Dental Tribune E-Paper Edition - Cadcam International

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Neueste Ausgabe

CAD/CAM international No. 1, 2024

Cover / Editorial / Content / Major contributors revitalise WHO global strategy for oral health / News / Industry news / Trends & applications / CAD/CAM NobelProcera abutments demonstrate excellent prosthetic survival and low complication rates - An interview with Dr Ian Lane / Digital workflow of immediate implantation and immediate restoration in the aesthetic zone / Bimaxillary prosthetic reconstruction with implant-supported overdentures using novel materials and digital technology / Monolithic multilayer zirconia crowns in the aesthetic zone / Back and neck pain in dentistry: A new reality / Eco-friendly dentistry: “The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.” / Motivating your team / Meetings / Imprint /
