EADMFR - 13th European Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology - Events - Dental Tribune Germany

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EADMFR - 13th European Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology



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Event 13 - 16 Juni 2012


Message from the Organizing Committee:


Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends
With great pleasure we invite you also on behalf of the German Association of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology in Leipzig, June 13-16th, 2012. Our society feels very much honoured to be given the opportunity to host the next meeting of the EADMFR. We promise you some fascinating days in a vibrant city just in the heart of Europe. In addition to interesting scientific sessions, covering the whole subject of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, we will have exciting social events with lots of time to meet old friends and to find new ones. Leipzig, the city of the venue, has a long lasting history as one of the biggest cities in Germany. Well known as a place of trade fairs for more than 500 years, it is also famous for its second oldest university and the first dental school in Germany. More over Leipzig offers a rich cultural tradition, especially for music. Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Richard Wagner were strongly connected to Leipzig. During the congress the annual Bach-Festival will take place, which means, that the participants will have the chance to visit some of the concerts. Some impressions of Leipzig are displayed on this website. Leipzig is located in the eastern part of Germany 170 km south of Berlin and is easily accessible by plane via Frankfurt or Munich and also by car or train from all big cities in Europe.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Leipzig this year!


Contact Details:

Coming Soon!

Website: http://www.eadmfr.info/  //  http://www.eadmfr2012.org/start.html

Venue: Penta Hotel Leipzig
             Grosser Brockhaus 3, 04103 Leipzig

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